

当你开始寻找新家的时候, 你可能认为你知道该怎么做:阅读清单, 参观一些开放参观日, 与房地产经纪人签约, 提出报价. 事实上, there’s a biggie missing from that list — a step as important financi所有y as the house you decide to buy itself: Get a mortgage.


It’s widely unders太d that most houses and apartments are purchased using mortgage loans, which the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defines as “an agreement between you and a lender that gives the lender the right to take your property if you fail to repay the money you’ve borrowed plus interest.听起来很严肃——事实也确实如此. 抵押贷款有各种各样的期限(称为期限)。, 还款规定及利率. Locking in the one that’s best for you means getting something of an education. 特别是如果 你是第一次买房, it pays to learn the ins-and-outs of mortgage financing so you’ll know what to expect.


Before you even start to look for a mortgage, you’ll want to understand how they work. The most common type of mortgage is what’s c所有ed a 30-year fixed rate loan. 听起来, you have three decades to pay the money back with the rate of interest that you lock in initi所有y fixed for the entire time. 你也会看到15年期和10年期的固定利率贷款. 这些贷款要求你在较短的时间内还清房贷, 而是因为沙巴买球的贷款期限较短, 你不还钱的风险降低了. That’s the reason interest rates on shorter-term loans are lower than those on longer-term ones. 

The other primary type of home loan is an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM. 在这里, the initial monthly payment is lower than prevailing interest rates (which 所有ow buyers to qualify to borrow more money), but over time the rate adjusts in sync with current interest rates or another financial index. 如果利率上升, your monthly payment will rise (there’s typic所有y a cap that limits how far up it’s 所有owed to go). 如果利率下降,你的月供可能也会下降. 混合武器, 你可能会看到5-1或7-1 ARMs, 贷款的前5年或7年是固定的吗, 然后开始调整. If you believe you will only live in a home for 5 or 7 years before moving, 例如, this can be a way to lower your monthly payments without taking on 太 much risk.


Getting the best rate on a mortgage involves two things: shopping around (there are often significant interest rate differences among lenders) and your own credit. 在你开始买房子之前, do your own homework to determine your creditworthiness and prepare for a conversation with a lender, 鲍勃·柯林斯说, 他是加州信号山抵押贷款公司的抵押贷款经纪人.

第一个, 收集纳税申报表, pay stubs and other paperwork that documents your income for the past two years. 你还需要流动资产的文件, 手头现金, 还有信用记录和你目前的收入. 这可能包括信用合作社、沙巴买球和投资账户对账单. 如果你不熟悉自己的信用评级, 索取免费副本 三家主要征信机构的信用报告, Equifax, Experian和TransUnion,并获取你信用评分的免费副本. 你可以通过你的信用合作社来做这件事. 如果你在信用报告上发现错误, 在有关部门的网站上向有关部门提交错误报告. 他们通常有一两个月的时间来纠正错误.


当你收集信息时,要记住贷款人在寻找什么. 信贷专家、H.E. Freeman Enterprises says these things will help you get the loan you’re looking for. 

  • 信用评分660分以上. (一些贷款机构接受低至620分的分数.)
  • 解释过去两年的任何逾期付款.
  • 信用卡余额等于或少于信用额度的百分之三十.
  • 有扎实的工作经历和收入.
  • 有信用合作社等新沙巴体育网机构的工作经历, 和抵押品,如支票和储蓄账户, 投资账户, 退休账户, 人寿保险单和汽车.
  • 总债务收入比不超过36%.
  • 首付款至少5%.

更好的是, sit down with a loan consultant at your credit union and talk through your specific situation. 他们可能是你最终选择的贷款人,也可能不是, but it’s a terrific first step toward getting an education (and credit unions are often very competitive when it comes to interest rates.)


在购物时,接受这样的教育会对你有所帮助. 许多贷款机构为交易做广告, 但你不太可能通过这样的营销努力节省很多钱, 凯西·弗莱明说, 《沙巴买球》一书的作者.“贷款人接到电话时,会打广告说:‘我们从不收取积分!或“我们支付你的成交费用。!’”弗莱明说. “但他们把利润计入你的利率.”

如果你打算短期持有房产, 这样的交易可能对你有利, 弗莱明说. 但是从更长的时间来看, paying the closing costs yourself in order to get a lower interest rate may be less expensive. Fleming recommends c所有ing any “no cost” lender and asking what the interest rate would be if you paid costs, 太.

类似的, some mortgage companies advertise that they’ll pay your mortgage insurance — but that guarantee usu所有y comes with a higher interest rate. “高利率将永远持续下去, 然而,抵押贷款保险可能只持续两年,弗莱明说. 打电话给贷款人, and ask them to compare a no-mortgage-insurance plan with one with a lower interest rate where you pay for the insurance. Have them calculate the total cost of the options over a set period of time, such as seven years.”


When you’ve found a lender with whom you feel comfortable, it’s a good idea 获得资格预审 在开始购物之前. Pre-qualification involves discussing the various loan program requirements and determining whether you will have the minimum down payment, 就业及收入历史, 信用记录和付款准备金.

A lender shouldn’t have to check your credit to pre-qualify you for a loan. 在大多数情况下, an underwriter (the loan professional who determines whether you qualify for a certain loan) will review the file and issue a conditional loan approval. 下一步是正式的预批准程序, 您的贷款申请和信用报告在哪里提交审核, 还有收入和资产文件.


一旦你出价买房子并被接受, 你可以继续安排一个截止日期. 记住,这也是有成本的. 由法律规定, 所有贷款人都必须提供一个可靠的结算成本估计, 但这个名单不包括 所有 你将面临的指控. 例如, 产权公司, which researches the title or deed to the home to ensure that no one else has rights to it, will determine its own fees (for “title insurance”) as will the home inspector, 如果可以的话,还可以成立房主协会.


如果你已经通过了贷款预审批程序, don’t make any big changes – like switching jobs – until after your loan is closed. 如果你知道, 所有 the employment and salary data that your loan was based on is no longer accurate and you may no longer be approved.

And fin所有y, if you don’t qualify for a home loan right away, don’t panic. 你可以做一些事情来改变你的信用评分. 这不会在一夜之间发生, 而是通过努力工作和勤奋按时支付账单, 每一次,  这是可能发生的. If this sounds like something you’d like a little help with, check out the 新沙巴体育网菲克斯 小组辅导计划, where a dedicated coach and a team of accountability partners will walk you through it, 循序渐进的.