

那么,你准备好买你的第一套房子了. 祝贺你! 对很多人来说, taking this step is one of the biggest financial moves they will make in their entire lives. 正因为如此,也因为它比, 说, buying a plane ticket or even something else you’d need to finance (like a car) — you’re going to want to tread carefully.


最近的一些调查显示,许多购房者表示后悔. 例如,Zillow的研究表明 75% of homebuyers wish they had done at least one thing differently.  关于 one-third regret buying a home that needs more work or maintenance than they originally expected. 四分之一的人希望他们在不同的地区购买.

但是不要惊慌. Getting through the process unscathed 是tally possible as long as you take your time and check off all the boxes. Here are the most important things for first-time buyers to keep in mind when embarking on their search. 和 even if you don’t plan to make a purchase until later in the year, 现在自学给你更多的时间去 为成功做好准备.


知道自己能花多少钱是很重要的, and how much a certain price range will cost you every month in terms of a mortgage payment. Mortgage lenders like to see that you’re spending no more than 36% of your gross income on your home loan and other debts combined.  (有时他们会让你扩大这个比例, 但你不应该为了自己的财务状况而这么做). 你还需要考虑评估费用, 检验费用, and closing costs — which typically run 3% to 6% of your purchase price — and of course, 你的首付款.  Although it’s possible to put down as little as 3% and qualify for a conventional mortgage, 如果可能的话,试着先付10%. 和, 如果你能跨过20%的门槛, 你可以避免支付昂贵的私人抵押贷款保险, 称为PMI.

别忘了 其他 拥有房屋的成本

一些新沙巴体育网专家建议做所谓的“玩过家家”,” which means figuring out what you’ll likely owe each month and then taking that amount out of your budget each month, 就像模拟按揭付款. 然后,看看那是什么感觉. 你能管理好你的其他开支和日常开支吗? Are you going to be comfortable spending that amount for the next 20 or 30 years? Completing this exercise will hopefully give you a baseline for a mortgage amount you can comfortably afford. 记住,成本并不会随着你每月的抵押贷款而结束. 你还需要提前计划财产税, 保险, 公用事业公司, 垃圾及垃圾处理费, 会员费, 还有维修费. 如果你在这附近有朋友, ask what they spend outside their mortgage to get an idea of what these costs tend to be.


Mortgage rates have jumped in recent times thanks to the spate of short-term interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. But a good deal of what you pay is in your control — the average mortgage rate for a person with an excellent credit score (from 760 to 850) was a full half point lower than it was for someone with a fair score (from 680 to 699). 如果你的信用评分没有超过660分, FICO (the country’s leading credit scorer) 说s you won’t see average interest rates, 但却要支付更高的税率.

那么你应该怎么做呢? 在你计划申请贷款之前的几个月里, 看看你的信用评分在哪里 如果需要的话,努力改进它. 这意味着按时支付账单, 每一次, 尽可能地还清你信用卡上的余额. 也, 在此期间, 不要申请你不需要的贷款, 但也要把你不使用的结束语留到后面.

和 if you’re looking for some help making sure your finances and credit are in tip top shape, 请查看 新沙巴体育网菲克斯 小组辅导计划, where a dedicated coach and a team of accountability partners will walk you through it, 循序渐进的.


首次购房者s who get pre-approved for their mortgage can make a competitive offer quickly when they find their dream home. 如果你 预先批准全额融资; you can make a confident offer and stand out from other buyers who won’t be able to close as quickly. In your journey to pre-approval, you should also go mortgage shopping. 如上所述, comparing offers and shopping around for the best deal – particularly with credit unions – can save you money in the long run as lenders’ rates can vary substantially.

But note: You’ll also want to make sure you’ll have some cushion in your bank account after you make 你的首付款. 换句话说, don’t clean out your emergency fund and your vacation fund in order to make your new home happen. Lenders want to see that you will be able to make your mortgage payment even if you lose your main source of income – your job.


你可能还没有准备好买你的第一套房子, but it’s a good idea to start looking around to see what your budget gets you in the areas you’re most interested in. 这可以帮助你缩小你喜欢的社区. During this time you should also emotionally prepare yourself for the fact that there are “a lot of fish in the sea.” Four out of 10 buyers don’t get the first house they make an offer on, 阿曼达·彭德尔顿, 他是Zillow房屋趋势专家, who cautions buyers to brace themselves for a few disappointments along the way.

决定你未来的家的“必备”和“不错的”.“没有什么你能活下去?? Pendleton 说s roughly half of all buyers have to make compromises to buy a house, 所以现在决定这些是什么. 你愿意长时间上下班吗, or will you take a smaller kitchen if there’s a gorgeous master bath? Deciding where you’re willing to compromise ahead of time can help with the stress of having to make a quick decision.


最后, if you’re tempted to forgo a home inspection – 说 you happen to get into the thick of a bidding war – here’s a word of caution: . It’s imperative to have a licensed and bonded professional give it a thorough once-over. 即使是最漂亮的房子也不值得冒险. 和 even new homes could have expensive-to-repair foundation issues – something that wouldn’t be obvious to a first-time buyer in love with the property. 快乐狩猎!