


The idea of a "budget" just sounds restrictive. Placing limits on how you spend your hard-earned money seems like the exact opposite of the financial freedom you crave. But spending money without a savings plan for the future — or even knowing how much you need to save — can put you in a financial bind that's hard to escape. 

Tracking your income and expenses using a budget is key to taking charge of your finances. A budget can also help you avoid unnecessary debt and financial stress. 

Let's explore the benefits of budgeting along with different budgeting styles. We'll also provide suggestions for selecting budgeting tools that can bring you true money freedom.


A budget can put you in the financial driver’s seat and help you achieve your 目标s sooner. When you make decisions based on your budget and money 目标s, you can avoid the negative consequences of overspending, 金钱和伙伴打架, 债务积累. Budgets also make it easier to build an emergency fund, 保持你的财务井井有条, and stop living paycheck to paycheck.


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a budget. Luckily, you can combine features of multiple budgeting approaches to match your personality. Here are three types of plans to help you get started.


通过这种预算方法, you are the most important expense in your budget. 当你首先支付自己的时候, you use that money to help reach a specific 目标, 比如退休储蓄. The rest of your money is used to pay for other expenses. 首先支付给自己, you reduce the chances of overspending in other areas, which can lead to shortchanging your savings plan or forgoing savings altogether. 


If you’re comfortable tracking every dollar, a zero-based budget can help you do that while keeping you on track toward meeting specific financial 目标s. Every dollar is earmarked for a specific expense, before you receive it. This approach discourages impulse buying and can feel restrictive to some, but it can make others feel more in control of their finances. 


而不是数每一分钱, the 50/20/30 budget encourages you to spend a percentage of your income on specific spending categories. If you need flexibility in your spending, this budgeting style might be a good fit.

  • 50% =需要 
  • 20% =节省
  • 30% =想要

通过这种预算方法, the Needs category consists of half of your take-home pay and should cover all your bills and necessary expenses, 包括住房, 食品杂货, 最低债务偿还额. 整整20%留作储蓄. The remaining 30% can be spent on entertainment, eating out, and paying down debt. If you’d like to speed up your savings 目标, just reduce spending in the Wants category and redirect the extra money to 储蓄.


Sticking to your budget is easy when you have the right tools to support your efforts. The harder it 是 adopt a budget, the greater chance there is of abandoning it. Consider using tools that hold you accountable, but require little time and are easy to follow. 


Grab your favorite writing tool, notepad, and calculator. Those are the only supplies you need to create an effective, low-tech budget. Start by identifying your expense categories and setting spending limits for each one. Your income will determine how much you can spend in each category while still making progress toward your other financial 目标s. 


There are a variety of online and mobile budgeting tools available for almost every personality. The same budgeting process applies here, but an electronic budget tool allows greater flexibility. 
不像纸上的预算, online tools allow you to easily recalculate income and expenses, 改变储蓄, and automate your bill payments with a few clicks. It’s even possible to link your financial institution’s mobile app to your checking account and receive alerts when you’re close to or have exceeded your pre-set spending limits.

When you set up and follow a budget that works for you, you’ll never again have to wonder whether your next purchase is taking you further away or bringing you closer to your long-term financial 目标s. And who doesn’t want that kind of peace of mind?