
What to Consider Financially As A First-Time Homebuyer

So, you’re ready to buy your first home. Congratulations! For many people, 迈出这一步是他们一生中最大的财务举措之一. Because of that — and because it’s a lot more complicated than, say, 买机票或者其他你需要花钱买的东西(比如买车)——你要小心行事.

First time homebuyer

Some recent surveys have shown that many homebuyers express regret. Research from Zillow, for example, showed that 75%的购房者希望他们至少做了一件不同的事情.  大约三分之一的人后悔买了一套比他们最初预期需要更多维修或维护的房子. And one-quarter wish they would have purchased in a different area.

But don’t panic. 只要你花时间检查所有的项目,毫发无损地完成这个过程是完全可能的. 以下是首次购房者在开始寻找房产时要牢记的最重要的事情. 即使你不打算在今年晚些时候购买, educating yourself now gives you more time to set yourself up for success.

How Much Home Can You Afford?

It’s vital to know what you can afford to spend, 以及在一个特定的价格范围内,你每个月要支付多少抵押贷款. 抵押贷款机构希望看到你在住房贷款和其他债务上的花费不超过总收入的36%.  (Sometimes they let you stretch this ratio, but you shouldn’t really try to for your own financial well-being). You’ll also need to factor in appraisal fees, inspection fees, 成交费用——通常是你购买价格的3%到6%——当然还有, your down payment.  尽管有可能只付3%的首付就能获得传统的抵押贷款, think about trying to put down 10% if possible. And, if you can cross the 20% down threshold, you can avoid having to pay pricey private mortgage insurance, known as PMI.

Don’t Forget The Other Costs of Homeownership

Some financial experts suggest doing what’s called “playing house,这意味着计算出你每个月可能欠的钱,然后从你的预算中扣除这笔钱, like a mock mortgage payment. Then, see how that feels. Will you be able to manage your other expenses and daily spending? 在接下来的20年或30年里,你愿意花这么多钱吗? 完成这个练习将有希望给你一个你能负担得起的抵押贷款金额的基准. And remember, the costs don’t end with your monthly mortgage. You’ll also need to plan ahead for property taxes, insurance, utilities, garbage and trash fees, HOA fees, and maintenance charges. If you’ve got a friend in the area, 询问他们在抵押贷款之外的支出,以了解这些成本往往是多少.

Focus On Your Credit Score

由于美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)接连提高短期利率,抵押贷款利率最近大幅上升. 但是你付多少钱都在你的掌控之中——信用评分好的人(从760到850)的平均抵押贷款利率比信用评分一般的人(从680到699)的平均抵押贷款利率低了整整半个点。. If you don’t have a credit score of over 660, FICO(该国领先的信用评分机构)表示,你不会看到平均利率, but will instead pay rates that are much higher.

So what should you do? In the months before you plan to apply for a loan, see where your credit score is and work to improve it if you need to. That means paying your bills on time, every time, and paying down balances on your credit cards as much as possible. Also, in the interim, don’t apply for credit you don’t need, but also hold off closing cards you’re not using.

如果你正在寻求一些帮助,以确保你的财务和信贷处于最佳状态, check out the Finance Fixx small group coaching program, 有一个专门的教练和一个负责任的合作伙伴团队会指导你完成它吗, step-by-step.

Get Pre-approved – Not Just Pre-Qualified

首次购房者获得抵押贷款预先批准后,可以在找到梦想中的房子时迅速提供有竞争力的报价. If you’re pre-approved for full financing, 你可以给出一个自信的报价,从其他无法快速成交的买家中脱颖而出. 在你的预审批过程中,你也应该去抵押贷款购物. As mentioned above, 比较报价,货比三家,寻找最划算的交易——尤其是有信用的交易 工会——从长远来看可以帮你省钱,因为出借人的利率差别很大.

但注意:你也要确保在你付了首付后,你的沙巴买球账户里有一些缓冲. In other words, 不要为了建造新家而清空你的应急基金和度假基金. 贷款人希望看到,即使你失去了你的主要收入来源——你的工作,你也能够支付你的抵押贷款.

Ready, Set, (Window) Shop

You may not be ready to buy your first home just yet, 但是,最好开始四处看看,看看你的预算在你最感兴趣的领域能给你带来什么. This can help you narrow in on neighborhoods you love. 在这段时间里,你也应该在情感上为“天涯无芳草”这个事实做好准备.“每10个买家中就有4个买不到他们出价的第一套房子, notes Amanda Pendleton, a Zillow home trends expert, 谁会提醒买家做好准备,迎接沿途的一些失望呢.

Decide on your future home’s “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves.” What can you live without? 彭德尔顿说,大约一半的购房者必须做出妥协才能买房, so decide now what those are. Are you willing to have a longer commute, 或者如果有华丽的主浴室,你会选择小一点的厨房吗? 提前决定你愿意妥协的地方可以帮助缓解必须快速做出决定的压力.

Don’t Give Up The Home Inspection

Finally, 如果你想放弃房屋检查——比如说你碰巧陷入了一场激烈的竞购战——这里有一句忠告: Don’t. 必须有一个有执照的专业人士给它做一次彻底的检查. Even the most beautiful house isn’t worth taking risks on. 即使是新房子也可能有维修地基的昂贵问题,这对第一次买房的人来说并不明显. Happy hunting!